Monday, August 3, 2009

We did it!

Here's how it all went down...

Friday morning I had the leftover twice-baked potato. Maybe it was the late night the night before or just a product of it sitting in the fridge for 2 days, but it was even better than when I had it for dinner! Mmmmmm, a perfect ending.

Lunch was provided at my meeting...and so ends the journey. Here's what I had left:

4 cups of cooked black beans (how is this possible?)
a serving of brown rice
about 6 cups of weird green stock
2 cups of cooked shredded chicken

I didn't add back my leftovers into the budget since I came out roughly at $15, and if I had made my own lunches, I would have finished those leftovers.

As our celebratory dinner, we had a delicious BBQ - burgers, sausage, salad (with tomatoes!) and baked beans. It was so good to have eating freedom back. The rest of the weekend followed suit with lots and lots of fresh food in a rainbow of colors. Everyone did note, however, that the clams and oysters that we caught with our feet would have been a perfect $0 addition to our week!

So there you have it...I'm glad I did it and even more glad that it's over. I'm not sure I would want to do it again, but it was a good learning experience. If for nothing else, maybe I'll start paying attention to creative ways of cooking cheap meals. And next time, I'll use the buddy system and partner up with Ricky. I'll just pay him for his services the next week...